How Long Does it Take to Receive an Inheritance After Probate is Granted?

Once the inheritance has been granted, it can take six to nine months before you receive your inheritance. A number of factors are involved, including the time it takes to collect assets, such as money, real estate, and personal property, and the amount of time it takes to pay taxes and pay creditors. The time it takes to liquidate an estate varies and there are several factors at play, such as the value and complexity of the assets. Simple successions can be settled within six months.

Complex successions, those with many assets or that are complex or difficult to value, can take several years to settle. If an estate tax return is required, the estate may not be closed until the IRS indicates its acceptance of the estate tax return. That can take more than two years from the date of the person's death. And, if there is an estate dispute because of a dynamic within the family, a dispute with a creditor, or because the IRS has a question about filing wealth taxes, it can take even longer.

In most cases in England and Wales, beneficiaries can expect to receive their money within six months to a year. This will give them time to close any bank accounts, sell shares or transfer them, and sell or transfer any real estate assets left by the deceased. The granting of the inheritance must be achieved before these measures can be taken, and the more varied the assets of the deceased, the longer it may take. Some of the more complex estates can take many years to complete, meaning that heirs could wait much longer than expected to receive their money.

Once the grant of an inheritance has been issued, you can expect to receive your money quickly if you have been in line to inherit. New York, for example, uses the small estate affidavit to distribute the assets of an estate without the intervention of the probate court through a simple affidavit (affidavit) signed by people entitled to receive the probate property. If the grant is revoked, a new probate grant must be requested in accordance with the terms of the New Testament. Some states include legal delays in the probate process for heirs and beneficiaries to challenge the will.

Once the objections have been processed and the probate hearing is over, the personal representative can pay creditors and any estate taxes, as well as request permission to begin distributing the estate to the heirs in accordance with the provisions of the will (or according to the state law of intestate succession if there was no will). Once the personal representative of the estate has been appointed, he must give notice to all known creditors of the estate and also carry out an inventory of the assets of the estate, which is now called “testamentary property”. At that point, the trust passes into the hands of the successor trustee (previously chosen by the grantor) to distribute the assets of the trust as desired by the grantor. Generally, you will receive the grant of probate (or letters of administration) within 8 weeks of sending in your original documents.

Therefore, if you are trying to assess when your inheritance will be available, you can reasonably expect that it will not begin for about two weeks from now. If a later will is discovered after a grant has already been issued, a district judge or registrar can revoke it. Fortunately for those looking for ways around probate court proceedings there are several options available such as joint ownership of property (the property passes directly to another owner) or designating intended beneficiaries directly in life insurance policies, retirement accounts (“payment on death” or POD), bank accounts (“transfer on death” or TOD), and investment accounts.

Kristie Funn
Kristie Funn

Hardcore tvaholic. Hardcore zombie advocate. Friendly pop culture junkie. Avid bacon fanatic. Amateur tv aficionado.